
Thursday, October 16, 2014

What's going around? An emergency room report.

Each week we ask our ER team what they are seeing a lot of in the Emergency Room.

This week Dr. Glenn DeLong, an emergency physician at McLaren Macomb, reports:

*Upper Respiratory Infections - During the past week, emergency physicians have seen an increase in children and adults with upper respiratory infections with symptoms of sore throat, cough and sneezing. Dr. DeLong recommends  common-sense measures to help prevent the spread of germs, including frequent hand washing with soap and water, and avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.  

*Gastroenteritis - Emergency physicians have seen an increase in children and adults with gastroenteritis with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea.

*Sports-related injuries - In the past week, emergency physicians have also treated more sports-related injuries in high school football players. Most were head and orthopedic injuries. 

*Asthma and allergies - With the change of seasons, ER physicians have had an increase in patients coming in for allergies and asthma complications.

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